Han Solo - feel the pressure. I'm counting on you, bro. The Last Jedi has raised concerns for me that I hope the upcoming Solo film will provide clarity on. I need to know that Star Wars is not destined to become nothing more than a platform for the Feminist agenda. My biggest complaint about The Last Jedi is that not a single male character was shown as competent or worthy of admiration, whereas the female leads are shown in mostly positive ways. Finn was goof who had wrong priorities. Luke was a grumpy old man. You could argue that those two make sense. But then there's Poe Dameron. By far my favorite character in this movie, Poe does the right thing I believe, given the circumstances, and no one apologizes for keeping him in the dark despite his status as ranking squadron commander (what's left of it anyways). Holdo not telling Poe is a good move story-wise but only if you plan to set her up as egotistical and wrong-headed. If Leia had scolded...