Trek Talk Tuesday #6: Vulcan and Vulcan't

In this second installment on the Vulcans, I want to give some of my thoughts on the two Vulcan characters I'm most familiar with - Mr. Spock and T'Pol. Spock is iconic, so he needs no introduction but T'Pol is a major Vulcan character in the Star Trek Prequel Show, Enterprise . I love much of what goes on in the first season and a half of Enterprise , so my opinions on T'Pol do not reflect my opinions on the show as a whole. First, let's talk about Spock. Spock is easily the most iconic character in Star Trek and one of the most well known in all of science-fiction for that matter. Catchphrases abound, from "highly illogical" to "live long and prosper." Spock has a very measured temperament and presence. When you think of a logical Vulcan, you think of Spock. And yet, he balances his logical nature with genuineness. At the end of The Wrath of Khan , also known as the best Star Trek movie ever made, when Kirk says "Of all the souls ...