Trek Talk Tuesday #2: Insufficient Data

Let's talk some Star Trek TNG . I've said before that the typical story of a TNG episode tends to be duller than those of The Original Series. Just last week, I saw an episode of each, and in TNG, the entire story revolved around a girl who turns out to be a Q (powerful being from another dimension for uninitiated), and how she made her choice between being human and being a...Q. It's decidedly dull. On the other hand, in TOS, Kirk and Spock (aided by historical figures of Earth and Vulcan history) are pitted against four villains of history in a death-match by curious aliens who wish to observe the battle of good v evil. Cheesy yes but more engaging. Because of the vanilla flavor of the week to week storylines themselves in TNG, what makes the show memorable is a handful of key characters - Piccard and Worf especially. The third memorable character, however, is the android Data. And personally, I have several problems with the concept of Data. For starters, e...