Review: Avengers - Infinity War (SPOILERS)

I'm not a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but this week I decided to give "Infinity War" a go. I have seen a handful of MCU movies before, so I was not lost in terms of the overall plot at any point I knew who most of the characters were. For reference, the Marvel Films I've seen prior to this are: "Thor", "Antman", "Dr. Strange", both of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" movies and "Civil War." Of those I loved Antman and enjoyed the Guardians (which are more Space Western Adventures than Superhero movies, which is why I liked them) and thought Thor was fine aside from the shallow nature of Jane's attraction to Thor. My review then is from the perspective of someone who is familiar with the franchise but not a fan. I say this because otherwise I'm worried perceived opinions on IW will come down to "well, fans loved it but non-fans were confused and didn't like it." I'm not a fan, ...