About the High Ground...

Few lines in the Star Wars prequels are as simultaneously iconic and confusing as Obi-Wan Kenobi's declaration to Anakin in Revenge of the Sith that "It's over...I have the high ground." Memes galore (including many of my own making) and endless jokes have their genesis in this line. But why did Obi-Wan say it? Was it simply more of George Lucas's infamously bad dialogue? Possibly, but I want to argue otherwise. I think this is best accomplished by first seeking to understand all the reasons Obi-Wan did not say it for. First, I don't think he expected Anakin to be like "Dang it! You got me bro!" and put down his lightsaber. Nor did he actually believe the slightly higher elevation granted some kind of special advantage. It might help but it is hardly decisvie in personal, hand to hand combat. Obi-Wan was a seasoned warrior and knew better than to believe the high ground was the trump card. So why did he make a big deal out of his elevati...